Hiya! This cute little file set will give you sort of a deathmatch style game without the modem for those who have no locals they can go multi-player with (or against! :> ). Basically it is the same layout as Episode 1 Level 6, but this level has only eight bad guys. Sound easy? Not when you consider that those eight bad guys have 4000 hit points apiece! (Same as a cyberdemon) They are the eight types of non-boss bad dudes - trooper, sargeant, imp, demon, spectre, lost soul, cacodemon, and baron. The spectre, baron, and caco are the same as always except for the 4000 hp figure. The others are modified for the effects found in the HYPRDOOM.DEH file (see DMHYPER.ZIP). Maybe ya don't want to know what you're up against... Just the same, read the HYPRDOOM.TXT file for complete details. Anyways, since these guys are so tough, you'll probably find yourself running from a fight to find more ammo, thus allowing for a good chase scene or two. The E1M6 level is quite big, making for an excellent deathmatch battlefield. Also, since the monsters are tougher, if you can set them against each other the fights are quite impressive. To get to it, first make sure that all the files included in DMSDEATH.ZIP have been placed in with your DOOM.EXE and DeHackEd program files. Installing this will change your DOOM.EXE file so make sure to back it up beforehand. Then just run the included .bat file by entering SOLODETH at the command line (assuming all the files are in your DOOM directory). Doom will start up. Pick any episode and skill level (except nightmare unless you're hot to die) and when the game starts up, type: IDCLEV16. After a little wait, you're ready to go! Watch your butt, and don't be afraid to run from a fight if you don't have the ammo or health to survive it. A real man can run from a fight so long as he comes back to kick a-- on the bastard that wronged him! :> Doom on! Rick Demar 74354,1421 CIS (Costly Information Service - Ha! Ha!) By the by, if you want to use any of my ideas in your stuff, feel free to do so; just give me credit for the original idea. It's only fair :)